Il Palio di Siena
1990 - Siena, Italia.
"For a photographer to get into this closed world is a difficult task in itself. The colors sometimes have a brushwork effect, thanks to Giansanti's use of the panning technique; others are masterfully framed by a terse blue sky or the stark green of the fields.They are atmosphere photographs that recount the passing of the seasons with a magical touch.
They recount the cries and the passion, the tears, the pain of the horses; these pages are a true documentary record, a faithful testimony by a professional who knows his job."
(Maurizio Piccirilli - IL TEMPO)
Siena, 1 July 1991 Palio of Siena.
Siena, 1 July 1991 It's spring, Giuseppe Pes Trains amid the growing corn.
Siena, 1 July 1991 Francesco Ticci - known as "Tredici" - is one of the few jockeys to be born in Siena. He spends hour after hour riding in the hills around the lonely village of Asciano.
Siena, 1 July 1991 Massimo Coghe - known as "Massimino" - racing his horse in the Siena countryside.
Siena, 1 July 1991 The corn is ripe and the Palio is close. Silvano Vigni practices the final gallops.
Siena, 1 July 1991 Faced with an enchanting rocky scenery, jockey Giuseppe Pes - known as "Il Pesse" - rides his horse in solitude.
Siena, 1 July 1991 Few minutes before the start of the Palio.
Siena, 1 July 1991 A Tartuca 'contradaiolo' jockey sleeps with his horse the night before the Palio.
Siena, 1 July 1991 A few hours before the Palio the 'contradaioli' take the horses to their local church to be blessed.
Siena, 1 July 1991 Palio di Siena.
Siena, 1 July 1991 The historic parade.
Siena, 1 July 1991 During the final trials, a jockey rides among the crowd waiting for the start of the Palio.
Siena, 1 July 1991 At the second S. Martino bend Chiocciola, Selva, Onda and Nicchio fall off their horses.
Siena, 1 July 1991 At the second S.Martino bend Chiocciola, Selva, Onda and Nicchio fall off their horses.